hookup to cable modem was easy
Craig S.
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 22:50:01 -0700
> Message: 9
> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 19:47:03 -0400
> From: George Toft <george@georgetoft.com>
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: Re: hookup to cable modem was easy
> Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> If you think it's a lot of work securing a box, how much work is it to
> find a new ISP and reinstall from scratch after you've been rooted, and
> your ISP dropped you for hacking? (Which of course YOU didn't do, but
> someone else using your box did.)
point made and taken... I will get to work on the rest of my lockdown tomorrow morn... for tonight I will just shutdown, I need to save some power anyway and I guess the reduced power usage mixed with lower heat levels should save me.... ohhh a buck or two... Woohoo... one more beer I can squeeze into the budget.
> Speaking of dates, did you know that most of the Rainbow series (the
> Bibles of Security) were last revised just over 15 years ago? It would
> appear only the details of security have changed - the major pieces have
> not.
> Regards,
> George
Are you talking about the Rainbow mag that was written primarily for the TRS-80? I remember when my stepdad brought home that thing when I was like 10, I spent hours copying code from that Rainbow mag to get text based adventure games to work. Invariably they would usually fail (I guess BASIC wasn't very portable back then and I made a lot of typos) and a friend of mine and I would spend hours/days/weeks debugging the code to get the games to work. Thing was that since we knew the code the games were no fun then cause we knew how to win the game. Usually the peek (read memory address) and poke (write memory address) statements needed to be changed because the game might have been written on a box with 16k or 32k of ram so my box with a whopping 64k of ram would need to use different addresses because the TRS-80 had a funny way of allocating ram if I remember right... Ahh well, the good ol' days huh.
Craig S.