Mandrake 8.2 clock

Larry Lauer
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:53:27 -0700

I noticed this problem on my laptop when I was dual booting between wintendo and Linux but since I have not dual booted it has worked well.  Its not much help I know but thought I would share my experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig S. []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Mandrake 8.2 clock

> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:21:14 -0700
> From: Lee Einer <>
> To: PLUG newsgroup <>
> Subject: Mandrake 8.2 clock
> Reply-To:
> Hi, all-
> My clock does not work well under Mandrake 8.2. Each time I sign on, the 
> time is either 5 hours ahead or 5 hours behind where it should be. I 
> tried changing the time with the KDE gui. No dice. I can correct the 
> time while under that session, but the next time I sign on, the clock 
> exhibits the same problem. I checked hwclock, and verified that my 
> hardware clock was keeping correct time. I tried re-setting the sytem 
> time, and then doing hwclock --hctosys. No difference. I tried using the 
> --localtime switch. No difference. I tried using the --utc switch. 
> Again, no difference. Any insights as to how I can get this corrected?
> Lee Einer
> --__--__--

I had this same problem with KDE's clock, except mine was always 12 hours off. I would reset the time and if I rebooted or did a kill sig hup the time was off again. As with you I noticed that the Hardware clock was fine though. What I did is turn on the 'enhanced real time clock support' up with the kernel. It should be under the character devices menu. I rebuilt the kernel image then and rebooted and I have never had a problem with my system clock since. I load the ertcs directly into the kernel as the program is very small and I have not noticed any appreciable slowdown with it running.

Craig S.
See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.

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