Setup Help needed - SSL, Mail Server

Doug Winterburn
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 19:48:48 -0700

> Message: 11
> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:10:50 -0700 (MST)
> From: Tom Emerson <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Setup Help needed - SSL, Mail Server
> Reply-To:
> So many negative replies regarding Sendmail.  Anybody care to elaborate
> regarding the current state of Sendmail V. anything/everything else?
> Just to be the devil's advocate, why do I need to pursue something other
> than Sendmail for my RedHat 7.3?  On RH, Sendmail is ready to go, (except
> for the neccessity of a couple of tweeks let Sendmail know it's OK to
> accept email from the Internet, and the addition of your favorite
> anti-spam blacklist server or servers).
> Looking for Pros, Cons, anti-spam DB connectivity, restricted shell
> capailities & other security issues, out-of-the-box ready to use issues,
> multiple domains, multiple identical user acounts, ease of third
> party software's use of the server, etc...
> I've used/implemented many flavors of mail servers over the past few
> years, have to admit that in one form or another I've been stung by most
> of them, whether Sendmail, QMail, Postfix, whatever.  Seems these three
> have matured somewhat, and are fairly easy to roll into production these
> days.

Most folks who "stay away" from sendmail are in fear of configuring it
and haven't bothered to look at the M4 macros to configure sendmail.  If
you simply read the O'Reilly sendmail book, you can end up quivering in
the corner with your thumb in your mouth.  Sendmail works well out of
the box for RedHat.  I've been using it for years on Unix and Linux. 
You can also use procmail at the user level along with sendmail on a
system level to add some functionality if desired.
