A bit OT: Coriolis Group?
George Toft
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 21:43:12 -0400
If the Networking Essentials, RHCE, and CISSP Exam Cram books are
indicitive of the quality of their product line, then I would say the
market forces are working correctly.
Victor Odhner wrote:
> The Coriolis Group no longer exists.
> At one
> point they were the largest publishing house in the valley,
> but fast growth for a publisher is deadly: you need to put a
> tremendous inventory out on the shelves before you get any
> money back, and the printers need to be paid promptly.
> So, they were bought out by investors. They went bankrupt a
> few months ago, and when no buyers stepped forward, they
> simply closed the doors. The certification titles are in
> the process of being sold off.
> The two original founders are now working on a new gig, on a
> small, cautious scale, including thee other Coriolis
> folks and a few titles that were in process. These include
> Black Book and Little Black Book titles.
> Go look at this:
> http://www.paraglyphpress.com/
> Vic
> Michelle Lowman wrote:
> > Does anyone know what is going on with The Coriolis Group
> > in Scottsdale? (They're the guys who publish the Exam
> > Crams and Black Books.) Their website has been down all
> > summer.
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