Kmail hang, easier way to fix?
Matt Alexander
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 16:28:50 -0700 (PDT)
Does a killall -9 kmail stop it?
What distro/version/kde are you running?
On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Vaughn Treude wrote:
> Hello all:
> I've been using KMail for over a year now, and I've been very happy with it.
> But lately it's started causing me problems. Occasionally when I exit the
> application, and then return, and the new one doesn't start. When I do a "ps
> -a" I find that there's a Kmail process marked "D"; which I understand to
> mean "uniterruptable sleep" or "waiting for I/O." This process is totally
> unkillable, even as root. Logging out and logging back in (which always
> worked in the past for me when Netscape would hang) doesn't work. I've
> actually had to reboot the system (Noooo!! That was why I'm migrating away
> from Windows!) Strangely enough, the last time I rebooted (just now) my
> inbox and trash folders were mysteriously empty. Only "sent-mail" was still
> there, which is good, because I've been too lazy to copy peoples' addreses
> into my address book (guess I should do that.) Anyway, does anyone know of a
> more graceful way to restart Kmail when it hangs?
> Thanks,
> Vaughn Treude
> Nakota Software, Inc.
> Custom Software Development
> User Interface Design / Automation / Client-Server / Data Acquisition
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