A bit OT: Coriolis Group?
Victor Odhner
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 22:23:10 -0700
The Coriolis Group no longer exists.
At one
point they were the largest publishing house in the valley,
but fast growth for a publisher is deadly: you need to put a
tremendous inventory out on the shelves before you get any
money back, and the printers need to be paid promptly.
So, they were bought out by investors. They went bankrupt a
few months ago, and when no buyers stepped forward, they
simply closed the doors. The certification titles are in
the process of being sold off.
The two original founders are now working on a new gig, on a
small, cautious scale, including thee other Coriolis
folks and a few titles that were in process. These include
Black Book and Little Black Book titles.
Go look at this:
Michelle Lowman wrote:
> Does anyone know what is going on with The Coriolis Group
> in Scottsdale? (They're the guys who publish the Exam
> Crams and Black Books.) Their website has been down all
> summer.