George Toft
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 14:36:55 -0400
Naw - that was just a love spank. We still love ya, man :)
John Olson wrote:
> Wow, I got flogged pretty hard on that one. It just goes to show that
> there's always something to learn and early habits aren't always right.
> Where I first learned this was at an applications development company
> that set up boxes for non-computer-savvy operators. I was doing testing
> at the time, and I'm sure I was, to them, just another one of the
> DOS-world simpletons that they dealt with in the field.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> der.hans
> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 12:53 AM
> To: PLUG Discuss
> Subject: RE: Help
> Am 09. Aug, 2002 schwätzte George Toft so:
> > > to prevent this aggravation in the future, add to your .bashrc file:
> > > PATH=".:$PATH"
> >
> > Never, ever, ever do this to your root account. This offense will
> > downgrade your performance evaluations in some places as it
> > demostrates severe ineptitude and a lack of understanding on basic
> > Unix security.
> Also never put the dot before anything else. If you have dot, make sure
> it's the last thing.
> Best is to just learn to use dotslash, ./. :)
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # Take a razor to your throat
> # and a noose to your neck,
> # then follow that up with a cup of poison.
> # Not a good way to start the day. - der.hans
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