intro classes?
Derek Neighbors
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 10:06:22 -0500 (CDT)
I agree with both Brian and Hans. :)
It appears there will not be direct training on the kernel (and much of
the software runs on more than GNU/Linux) so making it Linux training
probably isnt right answer. Certainly more applications will be covered
than GNU Project applications (or applications using the GNU GPL/ GNU
LGPL) so calling it GNU something probably makes limited sense.
However, I think (or at least hope) that we will only be training on Free
Software. Perhaps having something that has Free Software in the name is
the best. (Im bad at acronymns so I shouldnt even attempt), but its just
too tempting not too. :)
ENUF - Educating New Users of Freesoftware
Has windows pushed you to the point where you have had ENUF?
On 6 Aug 2002, Brian Cluff wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-08-06 at 01:04, der.hans wrote:
> > Well, if that's the reasoning for leaving out GNU we need to leave out Linux
> > since we will be covering exactly zero things about Linux in the newbie
> > courses. They aren't the place to bring up kernel stuff.
> My reasoning for not using GNU in the name is that it implies a narrow
> focus. For the same reason I wouldn't name the thing "Training for
> redhat packages that start with the letter A thu G".
> I'm sure there are some great stuff in those letters, and stuff the OS
> probably wouldn't work without, but a complete system, that people would
> even consider switching to, it doesn't make.
> Brian Cluff
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