Free Software for m$

Derek Neighbors
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:17:07 -0500 (CDT)

> Then again, if CygWin doesn't have that big of a footprint, goes on easy and
> apps we want depend on it we can include it. Last I heard it was a pain to
> get setup, though.

Again I stress if we are to point where we are emulating *nix, flip the 
table.  Have them install *nix and use wine, win4lin or vmware for their 
windows applications.

I dont devalue cygwin, but I see more as a tool for *nix folks having to 
suffer on Windows for some reason.  Not as tool to help aide someone 
transition from windows to *nix.  That is of course my opinion, but I 
would rather see us focus on applications that run more natively and are 
still free software. (Especially ones that also run on *nix)
