Contact Mgmt/Sales Force Automation.

Derek Neighbors
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 21:25:34 -0700

> Does anyone know of liberated-and-gratis contact management or
> sales-force automation packages out there for Linux?  (Ideally they
> would use Postgresql or MySQL for record management.)
> Before getting laid off (as a volunteer) from my last real job, I was
> a junior sales geek  (<-- long sad story).  I developed a schema in
> Access to help manage my telephone and other contacts.
> Now I want to develop a similar schema and keep it in Postgres. 
> However, before going to the trouble, I though it prudent to see if
> this wheel is already invented.

I would use the GNUe Framework to make one (but Im highly biased). 
There is a contact manager sample in GNUe CVS.  Currently the GNUe Team
is making a donation management system for the FSF (which is a non
profit version of sales force automation) in many respects.
