Bruce Perens on OSI
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:47:10 -0700 (MST)
Am 02. Aug, 2002 schwätzte Jim so:
> As Derek clearly pointed out, there is NO licensed software (well, ok - very
> little ) on any of my machines. I like it that way. If I should ever
Incorrect terminology. Almost all of your software is licensed. The GPL,
LGPL, BSD license, etc. are all licenses. They have granted you license to
use the software. Your software is not commercially licensed ( maybe it is
since you purschased Mandrake ), but it is still licensed or you wouldn't be
legally able to use it.
> develop the need and the talent to modify any of my software and redistribute
> it, even freely to the members of PLUG, or should I give (or sell) copies of
> that software, only then am I faced with complying with the terms of the GPL.
You are faced with complying with the terms of the GPL even before you
decide to redistribute. It just happens that the terms include ( as you were
good to point out last night ) whatever purpose you should choose :).
# Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans