Bruce Perens on OSI

Robert Bushman
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:20:45 -0400 (EDT)

Seems that with all the HP/DMCA fun lately, Bruce Perens
is in no mood for subtlety.

"OSI is probably the biggest mistake I've ever made"

A little rant? Why thank you, don't mind if I do :)

What spurred him to such heights? OSI is actually
considering a license that requires click-wrap.
How could a license possibly meet the spirit of
open source if it is more restrictive than
traditional copyright? Only licenses which attempt
to take away the rights you are guaranteed by copyright
law need attempt to gain legal validity with clickwrap.
Every Free Software license grants the user rights
in addition to the rights (EG: fair use) that the
user already enjoys under copyright. If you are
trying to extend beyond copyright, you have no
place calling your software open source.

Clickwrap EULA's remove your rights and sell them
back a tiny little bit at a time. There is nothing
honorable in this.

 'Microsoft also warned today that the era of "open computing," the
 free exchange of digital information that has defined the personal
 computer industry, is ending.'

 Will Microsoft permit you to use your mission critical data when
 you need it?  Linux will, and you have the source to prove it.