Thu presentation for SMUG
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 04:15:07 -0700 (MST)
Am 01. Aug, 2002 schwätzte David Uhlman so:
> I have extensive experience using vmware (since 2.x), as well as
> transitional software, how to transition from winX environments to linX
> environments or live happily in heterogeneous ones. My experience applies
> mostly from a business user perspective using openoffice, evolution,
> squirrelmail, vnc and x under win to transition. I would be happy to field q
> & a. LAMP environments as well.
Sounds great. See you there.
# ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
# and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
# "Linux operating system". - rms