List management detail...
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 17:36:03 -0700 (MST)
Am 23. Apr, 2002 schwätzte Jeff so:
> That works for most of the messages, but if someone uses a different style
> of writing the email address (i.e. PLUG-discuss@... instead of
> plug-discuss@...) then it won't work. Some people send mail to the list with
> different capitalization which forces one to create multiple filters. if
> everyone just sent using all lowercase, then it would be perfect. At least
> for filtering by To:
There should be an option to filter without regard to capitalization.
Procmail defaults to case insensitive matching.
> But you can also filter by Mailing List ID in KMail, which I have done, and
> it seems to work for all of the messages so far.
Yes, there are several headers you can key on.
I set up different mail addresses and filter based on the destination
address. That way I also catch follow ups, SPAM, etc. that aren't coming in
via the mailing list. You need to own your own domain and run your own MTA
for that, though.
# Like the maid, I don't do (M$)Windows. - der.hans