Virus/worm files
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:08:50 -0700
unless you know the person that sent them 9account holder, etc), I'd
recommend you just dump them. most of the time, those are something you don't
need running on your systems anyway (unless you have linux and are checking
e-mail using a linux mail reader, then you don't have to worry much about it).
meanwhile, a good dump may be just what is needed...
On Wednesday 17 April 2002 04:28 pm, you wrote:
> I have been on vacation and haven't been watching the list but I have a
> concern.
> I just received attached files with the names of ef.bat, align.exe, catpage
> and a Word document.
> I am concerned because it seemed to be a worm but a search on google and
> other sites does not bring anything up. Does anyone seem to know about
> this?
> Again, sorry if this is already posted.
> Kimi
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.349 / Virus Database: 195 - Release Date: 4/15/02
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