Zone Alarm and personal firewalls...

George Toft
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:23:49 -0400

Scott Henderson wrote:
> FWIW, I tested Zone Alarm, Tiny Personal Firewall,
> Norton's personal firewall, and a couple of others
> about 6 months ago.  ZA and TPF were the only 2 I
> liked, and TPF seems best - for what I want.  I
> couldn't figure out how to configure some situations
> with ZA.  ZA has a prettier GUI, but I just wanted to
> put in the ports and the addresses and so forth that I
> wanted to control. TPF seemed more straight forward on
> this.  ZA is definitely better for someone who doesn't
> know ports and IP fairly well.  It puts things in
> friendlier language.  (Both are free for personal use.)
> I would be interested to know what we have on the Linux
> side of the world that is comparable?  That is, a
> firewall that doesn't run on a separate box, but
> protects the system I'm running from.

Hi Scott,


The firewalls you mention are all application-level firewalls.
Linux has kernel-level firewall capabilities built in.  This
feature is much better.
