Distill Word Doc to PDF
Alan Dayley
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 23:09:44 -0700
Download GhostScript and GhostView. There are Windows binaries for both of
these. Then you:
- Create a postscript printer setup to print to a file.
- Print the document to this printer.
- View the resulting file in GhostView.
- On the File/Convert menu in GhostView, convert to a PDF
- Tada! you now have a PDF file of your document.
Now, that all assumes you are in Windows. If you are in Linux, Use
StarOffice to open the DOC file and save it out as a postscript and then
convert with ps2pdf.
On Thursday 11 April 2002 09:38 pm, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a few MS Word docs that I need to distill into PDF documents.
> I do not have the Adobe Acrobat Suite distiller software (WAY too
> expensive).
> Does anyone know of any freeware/shareware utilities that can take an
> MS Doc and distill it into PDF format. Some of the documents are text
> only with minimal "fancy" formatting. However, some of them have
> embedded pictures, charts, fancy fonts & formatting that must be
> preserved.
> Preferably I'd like the utility to run on a Linux platform, but I also
> have several Windows boxes at my disposal (98/2K/XP).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Peter
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