gentoo question
Gontran Zepeda
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 22:53:56 -0700
* bob smith ( wrote:
> Weee I'm now going from stage1 to stage2.
> I just had a quick question that had me a little
> worried even though everything seems to be fine.
> In the installation instructions it mentions
> a "new prompt" after you issue the command 'source
> /etc/profile'. But I still had
> the hash mark/root prompt. Is this ok?
Welcome to the fold. 8) Seriously, that non-color changing prompt
is a 'feature' of the new installation setup. I've heard it mentioned in
the gentoo-user newsgroup a few times lately.
It's interesting to me how gentoo development and features tend to go from
garish shiny (which I love) to classy matte as time goes on.
luv yer local lug