Web Beacons
John (EBo) David
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:34:36 -0700
Brian Cluff wrote:
> This is actually a fairly old trick, and is also done from time to time in
> spam mail, so that all you have to do is open the spam and they know you
> read it.... Hello, dumptruck loads of spam.
I know about the SPAM verification trick. and it is not necessarily
just with single bit beacon images. ANY image or file can thus be
traced. That is why I filter out all email containing HTML and
attachments and deal with those seperately...
What pisses me off is that so many groups use Yahoo's damned service and
if I go to download a file from their archives or evel look at a list
that I do not normally subscribe to. Next I know I am getting hit with
even more damned SPAM! I'm starting to really loose my patience...
EBo --
> From: "John (EBo) David" <ebo@leml.la.asu.edu>
> > grumble... grumble...
> >
> > Just got this in... thought the group might be interested.
> >
> > > Now they are tracking us with something called WEB Beacons. To
> > > opt out go here:
> > > http://privacy.yahoo.com/privacy/us/pixels/details.html