(no subject)
Digital Wokan
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 20:16:56 -0700
1. kde
2. cp -a /etc /mnt/elephant/{systemname}/etc
2b. Repeat 2 as necessary for desired directories (/home/certainusers)
Elephant being a Quantum SnapServer 4100
lynn.newton@cox.net wrote:
> Group,
> I'm taking a quick poll for didactic purposes. If you
> are inclined to answer, please tell me in as few
> words as possible about your preferences regarding
> the following:
> o What GUI environment do you prefer for day-to-day use?
> (Which desktop manager + what window manager, or
> consoles only, etc.)
> o What do you use for system backups? CD-RW, amanda,
> dump, tar archives, RAID, ...
> Please send responses to me directly. The purpose of
> the question is not to start a discussion or to seek
> proselytizing for one approach over another, but simply
> to find out what the small sampling of readers of this
> message prefers.
> It's not my intent to post results, either, because it's
> not a contest.
> Thanks.