(no subject)

plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 17:21:46 -0500


I'm taking a quick poll for didactic purposes. If you
are inclined to answer, please tell me in as few
words as possible about your preferences regarding
the following:

o What GUI environment do you prefer for day-to-day use?
  (Which desktop manager + what window manager, or
  consoles only, etc.)

o What do you use for system backups? CD-RW, amanda,
  dump, tar archives, RAID, ...

Please send responses to me directly. The purpose of
the question is not to start a discussion or to seek
proselytizing for one approach over another, but simply
to find out what the small sampling of readers of this
message prefers.

It's not my intent to post results, either, because it's
not a contest.
