The time has come...
Derek Neighbors
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 17:31:43 -0500 (CDT)
> Do we need a treasurer? We don't have dues, so we don't really have
> any money to keep track of, do we? For those rare events where money
> is somehow involved, I should think that another officer could deal
> with it.
Doh. I keep forgetting PLUG is not a 'legal' entity. In this case you
are correct a treasurer is not needed the secretary could collect funds
for events or what not if needed (as it wouldnt be a regular thing)
> What would the secretary do?
Secretary in my mind would be responsible for documenting the decisions
and direction the Chair / Vice Chair are laying out, handle getting things
sent to announce list and such.
> I was thinking that chairman and vice-chairman - the latter would serve
> as a back up for presiding over meetings - would be enough.
Depends on what want PLUG to be. If they wish to do any lobbying or such
its probably nice to have some structure outside of someon just to 'lead
> We already have a list of email addresses. I guess it'd be okay to
> associate a real name with each address.
In my short time in dealing with PLUG, I think with a little organization
PLUG could be 100 times more successful. (not that its terribly
unorganized) I think maybe Jiva was hinting that structure outside of
just someone leading a meeting would lead to more?
Then again maybe we all just want to keep it a highly informal meet and BS
kind of thing and leave structure to the PHB's of the world. :)