The time has come...
Derek Neighbors
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 16:21:57 -0500 (CDT)
> > 1) That there be created the following offices:
> > * Chairman
> > * Vice-Chairman
> > * Secretary
> > * Treasurer
> Do we really need that many offices? Wouldn't it be more efficiently
> handled by only one or two people?
I think this pretty boiler plate, you could possibly trim the vice-chair
out, but I think a group of four is ok.
> > 3) That a formalized "membership" be created. No dues shall be
> > charged, to become a member you have to create a gpg signature and
> > have it signed at a meeting. These signatures will be entered into a
> > database for use in 4 below. (This one is important to me. ;D)
> Why do you think we should have a formalized membership?
I think formalized membership is good, as it helps in planning for events
and such. If you have phone list or such or can email fliers for events.
(of course giving such information would be optional)
> > 4) That the elections be performed online, through email, through the
> > use of digitally signed votes using gpg. (This one is important to
> > me as well.)
> Why is it important to you that votes be signed using GPG?
> I think online voting is fine, but using digitally signed
> votes is overkill for our little organization.
I like the idea of doing via GPG, but I agree probably not necessary.
Simply have registered users vote via mail. If you get more than one vote
for a person then contact them and let them clarify what they meant.
I do think we should do an initiative to get everyone using GNU-GPG and
getting signed keys as after 9-11-01 events our freedoms are sure to
dwindle rapidly and people need to be informed.:)