The time has come...

Kevin Buettner
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 13:42:37 -0700

On Sep 24,  7:32am, Digital Wokan wrote:

> I think what we'd actually have would be a voting and a non-voting
> membership.  You'd be a member, you just wouldn't be able to elect any
> of the offices.  Makes sense to me since I joined the list when I was in
> Virginia.  I wouldn't have expected to be allowed a vote from there
> anyway.

Am I the only one who thinks this is getting way too complicated?

I really don't think we need to make a distinction between voting /
non-voting members.  (Anyone can vote!)

I also don't think that we need GPG (or the like) signed ballots for
voting.  I really don't think we'll have problems with voter fraud in
a PLUG election.  (And, if we do, then I'll need to seriously rethink
whether I want to be a member.)
