Clustering .. Mosix / PVM
John (EBo) David
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:42:57 -0700
Nigel Sollars wrote:
> Hey people,
> This is something ive been interested in for a while i have the Mosix
> books and PVM guides also the linux clustering which comes with a cluster
> ready RH 6.2 O'Reilly book.
> I was wondering if any wouuld like to join me in experimenting with
> clustering / load balancing and development of Software especially written
> for clusters.
> The hardware comming from the UK i have are about 7 Pc's and 2 Alpha's (
> Im looking at running Slackware Alpha on them ) .. they run Dec osf 1 at
> the moment.
It's been awhile since I've done even trivial PVM/MPI parallel
programming. If you have time to break away you might consider showing
up for a few classes that are (or at least were) offered free through
several of the super computing facilities like the Albuquerque Resource
Center: If interested, talk to me and I
might be able to set you up with a place t ostay for a day or two at a
EBo --