
Nathan England
26 Sep 2001 15:32:47 -0700

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On Wed, 2001-09-26 at 15:18, Thomas Mondoshawan Tate wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 12:14:45PM -0700, Richard L. Proctor wrote:
> > Just out of Curiosity which distrobution of Linux do you prefer and wha=
> > makes it better in your opinion?
> My own brew. Although technicially it's Linux From Scratch, but I've made=
> many changes to it I'd hardly call it such. The reason: less bloat, less
> dependencies, it runs what I want and not what the creators want, and
> upgrading portions of the system isn't as time consuming as it would be
> under a package based system. Eg: if I need to update libc, all I have to=
> is download, ./configure, make, make install, and I'm done -- no broken
> dependencies anywhere. Albeit, this kind of distro is not for those with
> heart conditions or those who are new to Linux since it's source-level
> "package management" feature requires a pretty heavy understanding of how
> the packages fit together.

I would have to second that.  I only use slackware, but granted, I
installed a base a and d disk series, then downloaded all of Patricks
sources, and compiled what I want myself..
So my system is by no means LFS, but the only thing on my system that I
have not built myself is lilo... lol

I still use the slackware package for that. =20
But I agree, there's no better way than doing the source-level 'package
management'.  And if you have no clue what you're doing, there's no
better way to learn either.!

"I guess I'll never forget her. And maybe I don't want to. Her spirit
was wild, like a wild monkey. Her beauty was like a beautiful horse
being ridden by a wild monkey. I forget her other qualities."
		--Jack Handley, The New Mexican

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