RMS speech?
Kurt Granroth
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 08:30:03 -0700
On Monday 24 September 2001 11:53 pm, Matt Alexander wrote:
> Could someone provide a synopsis of the RMS speech on Sunday?
> I wasn't able to make it, unfortunately. Everyone I've talked to
> that knows anything about him says that he's a complete wacko, so I'm
> interested to hear some of the impressions from people on this list. I
> was hoping to talk with him personally so I could make up my own mind
> about his level of wackoness. ;-)
Say what you will about RMS, but one thing nobody disputes is his devotion to
the cause... or the fact that he is a really good public speaker.
I missed his speech locally, but I have seen him a few other times and he
always gave the same speech (reportedly roughly the same one he's been giving
since the 80s). Here is a transcript of a speech he did just a few months
ago that should give you a good idea on where he's coming from:
Kurt Granroth | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org | granroth@suse.com
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