Photo Radar (WAS RE: anonymous services)

Tue, 25 Sep 2001 00:01:57 -0700

William Lindley wrote:
> So don't speed.  All you really get to faster is the filling station and
> the brake shop.
> Driving 65 instead of 55 saves you a few minutes at most.  Join me in
> driving the double-nickel, even if the speed limit is higher.  Helps cut
> our dependence on foreign oil too.

Ah but I must disagree. My T/A gets it's best mileage at around 75-80.
This is when the engine is finally spinning fast enough to be efficient
(around 1700-2000 rpm) in 6th gear. I averaged 25+ mpg coming down I-5
with the AC on from Seattle to LA. Not bad for a car that does 0-60 in
~5 sec.... ;-)

Kevin O'Connor

People in cars cause accidents...
Accidents in cars cause people.