anonymous services
24 Sep 2001 15:40:16 -0700

I believe that a feistal array would also work as a good security measure.
I have run across several examples and even talked with one or 2 listmembers here in private about such a scheme. Feistal arrays are inherently stronger than pgp simply because of the design. However, I am not an expert on this, I just know a bit more than the average person. the real expert in this list knows who he is (and I don't need to reveal that identity as this is a "public" forum that is searchable by google, etc).

Technomage Hawke

On Mon, 24 September 2001, Jason wrote:

> Many Rednecks vote. They can be expected to have a gut reaction
> against "terrorist encryption"
> The senior citizen population is both overrepresented at the polls,
> and underrepresented in cyberspace and understanding of all things
> digital, including "that new-fangled ATM machine". They can also be
> predicted to have a gut reaction against "terrorist encryption".
> The reasons for politicians being against strong encryption,
> therefore, should be QUITE obvious to any individual EDUCATED in the
> functionings of US Government, as a politicians job security depends
> ENTIRELY on securing aformentioned votes.

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