Photo Radar (WAS RE: anonymous services)
Jeffrey Pyne
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:23:59 -0700
Unfortunately, I don't think that works anymore. My wife got a photo radar
ticket in Snottsdale earlier this year. It arrived via first-class mail.
Having heard of the case you cited, I told her to ignore it. She got two
more summonses over the next couple weeks, which she also ignored. Then she
heard nothing for quite a while. So far, so good. Then, on a beautiful
Saturday afternoon, came a knock at the door. It was a cheerful City of
Scottsdale process server hand-delivering the summons. D'oh! So, not only
was my wife on the hook for the original ticket, now they wanted an
additional $19 to cover the cost of hand-delivering the summons.
I sure do wish there was a quick 'n easy way to get out of paying speeding
tickets since I seem to get one per quarter. Something about a longhair
bippin' down the freeway at 80+ on a red motorcycle just doesn't sit well
with Johnny Law. :)
On Monday, September 24, 2001, Eric wrote:
> I would disagree with you. Anyone who wants to be photo radar should
> familiar with this case. It's soooo easy.