anonymous services
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:40:15 +0000
"J.Francois" wrote:
> If you ever wonder who is watching.
> I checked my web server logs starting from Monday.
> I have had interesting visitors from:
> They all read my resume and proxy page then bailed.
> The Supremes have upheld anonymous speech many times.
> Head over to any Law Search Engine and see what they had to say.
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 04:03:16PM -0800, Eric wrote:
> > >I am first generation American.
> >
> > You make some good points. There are benefits to privacy. Are they enough
> > to surmount the burdens? I don't know. There is a right answer, I guess.
> > But I suppose that it is not truth that will reign here. Rather, I suspect
> > popular opinion/Congressional opinion. It's interesting that no one (that I
> > have seen yet) has made a constitutional argument here. Some say privacy is
> > guaranteed by the constitution guarantees privacy. That could have been a
> > fun one.
By closing the anonymous services, you realize your missing your
chance to perform "covert action" against those in the domain,
dont you?
Personally,I refuse to take a stand on the ethical or legal validity
of forwarding snippets of information to our own government, as I have
no idea if it invalidates the legal protections granted to anonymous
service holders, and I have mixed feelings about the readings of
emails in times of war when it may save american lives, but is still
an intrusion into the basic human rights we claim to protect.
Someone very well may be seeking to use an anonymizer to report
information beneficial to the US armed forces, perhaps even the MI6
team that is alledegly stationed in Afganistan, on, say, the location
of Bin Laden. OTOH, someone may be attempting to use it to hide that
very same location. There is no good way to tell unless one reads and
perhaps translates the contents.
Curiouser and Curioser
jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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