OT: Don’t Press the Panic Button
John Starta
Sat, 22 Sep 2001 23:25:35 -0700
National Review [1]: "The DOJ bill would expand pen-register/trap-and-trace
power to include surveillance of Internet surfing and of e-mail. (A similar
measure was included in a bill hastily passed by the Senate on September
12, with hardly any discussion.) This means that the FBI, the BATF, the
DEA, the INS, or any other federal law-enforcement agency could — without a
search warrant -- survey a citizen's e-mail and his web surfing. The web
surveillance can include every URL that the person visits, and also
includes (by virtue of including URLs created by search engines) the key
words of every search the person submits. The e-mail surveillance would not
include the text of messages, but would include the to/from information, as
well as the subject line of a message, and also the size of the message."
[1] <http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopelprint092101.html>