Sat, 22 Sep 2001 18:54:44 -0700
Welcome, Nigel. Lets see. First, Richard Stallman is going to be at
Scottsdale Community college tomorrow at 6 p.m., Regular east side meetings
are on the second Thursday, so that would make the next meeting on October 11
at Sequoia (I will get the web site updates done soon - promise!) The
Stammtisch is a social gathering of Linuxers at Bandersnatch on the thirt
Tuesday of the month (October 18). Anything else you need to know, feel free
to email me or post to the list.
On Saturday 22 September 2001 07:54, you wrote:
> Hi,
> This is Nigel Sollars, I mailed this list some time ago when i was back
> in the UK..
> Just to say im now in Glendale AZ finally after INS supplied my visa.
> Could someone please supply me with meeting details? ive had alook at the
> website but confirmation of dates and times would be fantastic..
> Regards
> Nigel
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> See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't
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> PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
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