The Newbie Again
George Toft
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 18:18:46 -0700
My house is 4 months old, and the QOS sucks (3-6% packet loss
to the first router). In my case, it is not my house - it's
qwest. Matter of fact, they're making their biweekly stop over
again tonight - intermittent dial tone and no sound on incoming
Gary Nichols wrote:
> This really depends on what condition your copper is going into your
> house. My house is 4 years old, and my VDSL has been out only twice due
> to power failure (thanks APS!).
> In contrast, my friend's house is 15 years old and he has several weird
> problems with his. His neighbor next door had all his copper replaced and
> has had only 1 outage (lasted 10 mins if I remember right).
> Not saying qwest is the best, but it DOES work. :-)
> As for speed, it's comparable to a T1 going down (102-150 KB/S) and better
> going up (I've hit 200 KB/S). The Qwest installer told me that there
> really isn't a cap on upload speed right now, so you're at the mercy of
> your connection quality.
> My negative opinion of Qwest stems from poor customer service and the fact
> that they insist on blocking incoming sevice ports (80,53,25).
> Just my 2 cents.
> On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, robert jorgenson wrote:
> > I dont know about you but mine goes down ALL the
> > once a week, it gets really frustrating.
> > plus the highes DL i ever got for my 1MB service was
> > like 4-500kpbs. Although the upload speed has been up
> > in the 800kpbs range. Not sayin its horrible...but i
> > am sure there are better services besides qwest's
> > vdsl. if it was up to me i would get something else,
> > maybee @home i hear that is very good when it works :)
> >
> > --- George Toft <> wrote:
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