Caution, SuSE Linux Live Eval loading
Brian Cluff
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:15:32 -0700
You don't understand.... This was just an evaluation that is supposed to,
for the most part, run completely off the CD with the exception being that
it puts a small sawp and small home directory on your C drive as files
mounted through the loopback device.
What happen in reality was that it did a little more writing to the disk
than I wanted as in it scrambled the actual partition information so the
whole drive itself shows up as a 4 gig. I could only wish that it had only
resized the drive. When I booted off a bootable dos floppy what I was
greeted with was a whole bunch of scrambled files names with 3 suse files
perfectly on the drive... all other files where scrambled.
I ran norton disk doctor on the drive and I was only able to recover about
100 files total. Considering that 18gig of it was full... thats fairly
Brian Cluff
----- Original Message -----
> Brian, SuSE will try and use all the remaining space on that drive that
> Windows wasn't using. Windows 2000 will also do the same thing. It's
> normal. You can remove SuSE and expand the partition back out.
> --
> Richard L. Proctor
> Krystal Computer Services
> PC Upgrades & Repairs
> 480-699-3098
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Brian Cluff <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 4:23 PM
> Subject: Caution, SuSE Linux Live Eval loading
> > For all of those that got one of those SuSA live evals from with the
> > meeting or the stamtisch. Be sure you run it on a machine that you
> > have backed up, or don't care about.
> > I just recently threw it in my machine at work to see how good of an
> > install it was so that I could give it to my boss with the
> > that he play around with it and see how he likes it.
> > Well, I go it on and it all went beautifully. It's a very nice live
> > indeed and was all set to march it over to him with the highest
> > reccomendation, but after shutting it down and trying to reboot this
> > windows machine back into windows I found that it had rewritten the
> > on my 20 gig drive to a 4 gig drive and thus causing to be become
> > scrambled. Luckily I think I have a recent backup, but this would have
> > sucked if I had handed it over to my boss and had it scramble his drive.
> > I would probably never be able to get this place converted over to
> >
> > So anyway, watch out when booting those things. I'm betting they work
> > better on slightly oler machines that only have a max of 4 gig in them,
> > but I wouldn't bet my drive on it hehehe
> >
> > Brian Cluff
> >
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