CD record and not getting any help
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:03:07 -0700
* reddwarf ( wrote:
> sorry for the lack of info,
> I am using redhat 7.1 and i dont have my output right
> now cause im at work, but i will post that later. The
> output is just the results of the make command
> repeating over and over again. And i have tried this
> with make, gmake and smake but it still does not work.
> Could it be a glibc problem?
Doubt it. I just happen to have access to a 7.1 'server' install ala
VM**re Workstation beta, I wgot
unpacked it, cd-d into it, and `make`. After a reasonable amount of time
it completed.
Whadidyado to your system kyle! ;) Are you using the latest
cdrtools source package?