The Newbie Again
robert jorgenson
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:21:55 -0700 (PDT)
okay i have no clue what you are talking
about...anyone wanna clarify? btw i havent been able
to install linux yet because of some hardware problems
*grumble* But i think i have it narrowed down to
something very simple(i think it is the ide cables,
they are very old) so i hope to instal it tommorow
when a store is actually open and i can buy some. and
i would apreciate it much if someone can clarify "It's
plug and play. Put a 10mbps NIC in the Linux box, set
it up for
DHCP, and off you go.
--- George Toft <> wrote:
> Qwest Choice OnLine (at least in Anthem) is VDSL.
> It's plug and play.
> Put a 10mbps NIC in the Linux box, set it up for
> DHCP, and off
> you go.
> Link to my router -->
> The fun part is when the customer service weenie
> tells you to reboot
> your Windows computer to fix the problems with the
> gateway box.
> ifdown and ifup work quite well for that. I still
> haven't figured
> out how to fake the music.
> George
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