DSL and Cisco 675
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 13:41:29 -0700
My understanding is that the Cisco 675 (discontinued) only supports CAP,
not DMT. The 678 supports both. In addition to needing a 678, you may
have to change the VPI/VCI pair to 0/32 from the default to get the 678 to
work. The routers I have been seeing come from Qwest are pre-programmed
for bridging mode with the VPI/VCI already set.
At 06:42 PM 9/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if a cisco 675 router can be used if the dsl circut is
>DMT. I'm getting a no from qwest, but I can find configuration
>instructions on the net.
>Also our isp is having us use bridgeing instead of routing, so my
>understanding of this is that there is no ip address assigned to either
>the lan or wan side of the cisco 675 but that on our linux server, there
>will be a public ip address assigned to eth1 that will communicate to the
>iternet via the cisco 675 and a private ip address assignedto eth0 which
>will comunicate to our lan. The linx box to act among other things as a
>dhcp server.