anonymous services

Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:37:43 -0700 (MST)

Am 14. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Eric so:

> You make it seem as though the conclusion is obvious.  How could it be that
> you see the way so clearly, while some very bright non-politicians (i.e.,
> NSA, FBI) favor crypto control?  Why don't they see your point?  Try to

I think they do see our point. They, however, don't have my best interests
at heart. They have their best interests at heart.

If crypto is gone everybody can set their calendars to 1984. That's what a
lack of privacy means.

We lose the ability to counteract double-speak if we can't speak freely.

It's already headed that way due to tech ( cameras everywhere, etc. ), we
don't need to help it along by stripping away our rights.

BTW, I think you know these aren't attacks against you. Hell, I don't even
know if you really favor letting them take crypto away from us :). You
seem, rather, to be asking for more info. Same as I'm doing with the legal
ramifications for the Skylarov case. I'm still not a crypto expert, but I am
opinionated ;-).


# ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
# and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
# "Linux operating system". - rms