Anonymous Services are Shutting down

Mark R. Myers
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 22:38:07 -0700

You have no choice for your DSL, but you do have a choice of ISP's. Try
Fastq. They allow one to run any server that one wants.

----Original Message-----
   >From:     	"Jason" <>
   >To:         	""
   >Subj:     	Re: Anonymous Services are Shutting down
   >Type:     	IPM.Note
   >Sent:    	Friday, September 14, 2001 12:04 AM
   >I would do exactly that, if I had DSL. However, I still have not been
   >able to resolve the situation with Qworst...
   >"J.Francois" wrote:
   >> Sorry.
   >> I have no interest in being visited by the FBI cause some crackpot
decided to
   >> claim responsibility using my Public Proxy thru Hotmail.
   >> There are too many people that hate the anonymous service providers
   >> for this not to happen.
   >> That is the *MOST IMPORTANT* reason I am offline.
   >> I have been doing this officially since 1996 and I have been
   >> hassled, verbally abused, and called by law enforcement enuff
   >> before this to know what is at stake.
   >> If you feel that strongly, download Mixmaster and start
   >> an anonymous remailer of your own.
   >> I think it will give you a better understanding of the problems
   >> that the anonymous services providers face.
   >jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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   >See if your mail doesn't
post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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