anonymous services
John (EBo) David
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:45:32 -0700
Eric wrote:
> >There are a number of reasons to keep one's anominity. In the past if
> >I wanted anonominity I would work under a pseudonym. Oh, if someone
> You list some good reasons. But whether or not to restrict anonymity
> services, cryptography, steganography, etc. is not simply a matter of
> listing benefits of these technologies. Rather, it is weighing the benefits
> of those technologies against the burdens imposed. And right now, the
> burden of terrorists having secure communications seems pretty heavy.
We are in agreement. I am not complaining about them asking me not to
use crypto in my message, etc. No problem. The crypto was referring to
reciently proposed legislation. Besides, people like bin Laden have
serious crypto people moving stuff without any worry of US government.
or you and I for that matter. So, let us break the dicussion into short
term and long term issues. WHat is reasonable and prudent over the next
few months and what is necessary over the long haul...
EBo --