linux promotion (was Re: image capture (was Feds and MIrcoslot))

Rusty Carruth
Fri, 7 Sep 2001 10:21:22 -0700 (MST)

> On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 09:31:23AM -0700, Rusty Carruth wrote:
> > Good, I always like to see when folks can avoid the dark side ;-)
> Mm. Avoiding the dark side is definitely good... Still, the light side has
> it's caveats as well. Kinda like chocolate: dark chocolate is bitter,
> whereas white chocolate is sweet. Still, the white chocolate is a bit more
> fattening than the dark. =3Dop
> Just don't get blinded by the statement, "if you don't like it, write your
> own program under Linux." I've seen far too many Linux nuts out there that
> live by this mantra, and spout it out whenever they hear a complaint about
> software. For those of us who can't hack or design programs it tends to be a
> pretty strong slap in the face.

Well, to be honest, my ACTUAL statement is usually more "use what makes sense"
(but most folks don't really consider what makes sense very well, which
is where good linux 'evangelization' comes in ;-).

And I don't think its *intended* as a slap in the face.  Maybe folks who
say that need to read this thread and think up better/more friendly
ways to encourage Linux use....

> Okay... I'm going to go get a snickers now... =3Dop

Oh, man.  Eat one for me, too!