Mailing attachments
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:10:17 -0700 (MST)
Am 05. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Kurt Granroth so:
> One final note: I know that everybody wants the "correct" solution here, but
> when had the same problem some years ago, I took the easy route and just used
> 'mutt'. 'mutt' has enough command line switches to automatically handle
> attachments, subjects, to/from, etc. I sent several thousand files that way
> (all requested, no spam) with no problems.
That's really no different than using mail, aka mailx or even sendmail. It
does require another program ( mail and sendmail[1] ) are likely to be on
every *NIX box, but requiring a different application isn't that bad. Kinda
like using perl when sed and awk would do, except with perl there's the
thrill of wielding the swiss-army-club :).
[1] sendmail isn't necessarily the one from sendmail. exim and postfix both
provide sendmail executables for compatability.
# Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
# as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans