CVS question
Derek A. Neighbors
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 22:49:11 -0700
I think you can make a module alias. So in module files you make:
boost spirit/boost
libs spirit/libs
Then you could do
cvs co libs or cvs co boost instead of what you have below and it would
create those directories.
Here is the 'official word'
I can NOT stress enough this book is your friend. It is really a
plethora of information on CVS and its available online and in a
multitude of formats. I strongly suggest if you start beating on CVS as
a user or administrator you download a copy for reference. Plus Karl is
a good guy, so if you like it buy the book and encourage him to write
more good works. :)
John (EBo) David wrote:
>I am writing some rather simple scripts into an autoconfiguration file
>which downloads a directory subtree from a CVS library repository. The
>problem I am having is to strip the library name from the qualified
>subdirectory name. IE, I want to integrate and move source around into
>a new project, but want to automate updating the source tree from CVS.
> cvs -z3
> co -P
> cvs -z3
> co -P
>puts the files in ./spirit/boost and ./spirit/libs and I want to put the
>files in ./boost and ./libs...
>I skimmed the man pages but found no options that looked promising.
>Anybody know how to do this?
> EBo --
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