SUSE 8.0 install problem any ideas?
Richard L. Proctor
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:25:09 -0700
On Monday 28 October 2002 9:28 pm, Ernest Baca wrote:
> Thanks for the idea,
> I switched to suse 8.1 and everything went great. I have been playing with
> redhat 8.0 and am very impressed. Redhat seems more stable and it installs
> out of box 10 times better. Yast is great when it works! Every machine I
> have put Suse on has given me some sort of challange were as redhat has
> seen all my hardware and installs much better. Only advantage of Suse is
> the packages and it KDE is much fancier, but rehat seems to be catching up.
> Thanks for all your suggestions....I may be switching to redhat soon.
> Thanks,
> Ernest Baca
It's a shame that linux has so much problems with installations. Time and
time again I have seen people say that this distro or that distro would not
install. Some can install redhat with out problems while others try in vein.
Windows on the other hand just installs. I guess that is the problem you
will enounter with so many different distro's out there. None is standard
and None will install on all hardware configurations.
I have not tried SuSE 8.1, but am running 8.0 on about 5 machines and they
all went smooth and hassle free. But others will have terrible problems. I
guess it just depends on the hardware configuration and which distro supports
Richard L. Proctor
Krystal Computer Services
PC Repairs & Upgrades