TV Card Recomendations

Art Wagner
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:57:38 -0700

I am currently using a ATI Rage 128 without any problems at all.
RedHat 7.1, Linux 2.4.6 thru 2.4.14-pre3
Art Wagner

A.P. Etc wrote:

>>Add in cards are also possible. I have an ATI Rage 128 card, but I have
>>heard lots of horror stories about the All in Wonder pros. Some work,
>>some don't.  And I've read conflicting things on the net about the same
>>model of cards.
> I've had two different AIW's, the original AIW pci 4mb and AIW-pro pci 8mb.
> Both worked great and I still use one of them nowadays.
> -A.P. Etc
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