Wed, 24 Oct 2001 09:45:53 -0700 (PDT)
When I first mentioned it I was meaning less for spaming the list and
perhaps someone volunteering some web time into adding a working section
on smaybe the central website or something. (I would but I am not a web
kinda guy...) Something that users/subscribers/listpeople could say, add
and update off of etc etc...
*shrug* might be alot of work for little benefit.. but it would be nice to
have a another way of networking into the job market through simlar minded
On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
> Hi
> > This would be an excellent use of this list.
> We had to face up to this one and we did have a long discussion about
> it. Finally we thought that a PHP based Phorum was the answer for
> jobs and that kind of thing ...
> we found that some people just didn't want this on our list although
> a separate one would probably work well.