Microsoft Final Solution 2000
Digital Wokan
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:09:28 -0700
Actually, back in high school (circa 86-90), we had 12 Apple //e's, and
Apple //gs, and over 50 IBM PS/2's (Model 50 something, I believe). Not
one Mac. (Of course, we were maybe 50 miles from one of IBM's
distribution centers.)
Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> Before you make statements like these you need to offer some believable
> proof. Most schools have Mac's and I find it extremely hard to believe even
> one patient in a hospital has died due to MS licensing payments.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Richard
> Ibbotson
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Microsoft Final Solution 2000
> Dear all
> >
> I remember seeing this when it first came along. At that time I
> thought it was very funny.
> Since then I've done a fair bit of research into various Government
> departments. Most of which don't have very much money. Fact is that
> MS have done more serious damage to more schools and hospitals over
> here than any other proper "enemy of the State" ever did. Children
> are receiving a poor education because money is spent on software
> rather than teachers and patients die because it's more important to
> pay a massive bill for MS licences.
> So .... perhaps the picture at that bottom of that page isn't quite
> as funny as it was last year ?
> Thanks
> --
> Richard