[azipa] FBI and ISP Surv...

Kimi A. Adams plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 18:31:29 -0700

I am a local ISP but I have not been called or asked to provide any 
"structure" to see whether I would indeed meet the requirements.  So, as of 
yet, I have not been affected.  That is not to say that in the very near 
future, we won't be affected.

I will keep you posted.......

Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

At 08:39 PM 10/18/01 -0700, J.Francois wrote:

>Anyone know of any local IPs effected.
>AOL and Earthlink do not count.
>National Journal's Technology Daily
>PM Edition
>October 16, 2001
>HEADLINE: PRIVACY: FBI To Require ISPs To Reconfigure E-mail Systems
>PHOENIX -- The FBI is in the process of finalizing technical guidelines
>that would require all Internet service providers (ISPS) to reconfigure
>their e-mail systems so they could be more easily accessible to law
>enforcers. The move, to be completed over the next two months, would cause
>ISPs to act as phone companies do to comply with a 1994 digital-wiretapping
>law. "They are in the process of developing a very detailed set of
>standards for how to make packet data" available to the FBI, said Stewart
>Baker, an attorney at Steptoe & Johnson who was formerly the chief counsel
>to the National Security Agency (NSA).
>The proposal is not a part of the anti-terrorism legislation currently
>before Congress because the agency is expected to argue that the
>Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) already grants it
>the authority to impose the requirement, Baker said. He added that some
>ISPs already meet the requirements.
>Baker, who frequently represents Internet companies being asked to conduct
>electronic surveillance for the FBI, made the revelation Tuesday in a panel
>discussion at the Agenda 2002 conference here on how the Sept. 11 terrorist
>attacks are likely to affect the technology industry and civil liberties.
>He elaborated on the plan in an interview.
>Mitchell Kapor, chairman of the Open Source Application Foundation and a
>founder of Lotus Development, also spoke on the panel. Kapor also started
>the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and has been a vocal advocate of
>Internet privacy. EFF played a significant role in the CALEA debate, and
>divisions over whether to support that law led to a split of the
>organization. [...] "I find myself more in the middle than I used to
>because my identity in life is not as a civil liberties advocate," Kapor
>said. "Part is being an American and a world citizen." [...]
>Kapor and Baker shared more common ground on the acceptability of new
>electronic surveillance than they had in the past, with both expressing the
>view that now is a time for calm reconsideration of positions rather than
>butting horns over the details of how civil liberties would be curtailed by an
>anti-terrorism bill.
>Jean Francois - JLF Sends...
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