Fastest e-mail client?
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:07:04 -0400

pardon ignoring the request for a gui............but,
I can't be the only one recomending Mutt :-)
On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 05:16:32PM -0700, sundar narayanasamy wrote:
> Hello,
> Do you guys know of any good, fast, gui e-mail client. I am using Sylpheed, but it hangs a bit and whenever there is a period( it errors out. I need support for IMAPs and POP3s, too. 
> No Mozilla or KMail; they are kind of slow for me. I have a old laptop with 64MB ram and 166/266 Pentium II running RH7.1
> Regards,
> Sundar
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